Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanks Beyond Words

My heart is full of gratitude. 

Just to be clear, every once-in-a-while college gets rough. Tests, homework, and constant studying can get old real fast! This week was one of those where I was feeling pretty ready for a break. Amidst all that there are things that are constant and beautiful. There are blessings that are always there, but are often taken for granted. 

So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm going to recognize a few of those things that I am immensely grateful for right now. Here goes nothing!  

1. escuela
I feel like I talk about my school a lot, but it's an awesome place! It is such a blessing to attend a university where the Spirit can be felt every single day. I'm talking there are pictures of the Savior in every classroom, a prayer before the beginning of every lecture (and sometimes after), and people looking at you funny if you DON'T pray over your food in the cafeteria. That's cool stuff :)

(photo cred to Coley Norton! Stole this from you...)
2. the temple
I was thinking about it and I have always lived near a temple. That's a HUGE blessing! It's an escape from concerns of the world and a place where peace can always be felt. Nothing brightens my day more than walking to class and seeing the temple the entire way up.

3. missionary work
This past week Coley (my roommate) and I went out teaching with the missionaries. We taught two families that came from pretty different backgrounds and circumstances, but the experience was the same in each home. The Spirit was undeniably felt and my heart leaped when I saw their faces light up as they learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can't wait until I get the chance to share the gospel everyday!! I am seriously counting down the days until I can turn in my papers (100 days)! 

4. friends that are too cool
They make me laugh until I cry and when I cry, they make me laugh. Enough said. 

5. my ridiculously awesome family
I don't think much needs to be said here! They're just really cool people. They're not perfect, but they are the closest thing I've found :)

because they're adorable

and we look pretty good together

they're sassy goofs

and again, they're adorable :)

Thank you to everyone who has taught me:

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